FUCIN – FUture Citizen INvolved is an ERASMUS+ project co-founded by the European Union under the ERASMUS+ Programme, KA220-SCH Cooperation Partnerships in School Education action (Agreement n. 2023-1-IT02-KA220-SCH-000158051). The project aims to bring children, as citizens of tomorrow, closer to institutions at local, national, and European level through greater active participation in green policies and choices of territorial management.

The reasons behind our project are linked to the current situation of distance and mistrust that young people but also adults have towards institutions; what is perceived as indifference and inaction in the face of the challenges of climate change and the growing need for eco-sustainable cities and landscapes.
FUCIN aims to achieve this engaging result and making the children experience the feeling of being an active and necessary part for the Institutions in the evaluation of good territorial practices and being a valuable resource for other citizens in understanding and evaluation of the strategies for the management of its territory by the institutions in the European context of the Green Deal (EDG). At the same time, this will be a strategy to push students to become curious and deepen STEAM issues identified and chosen directly by them, as an active part of a decision-making citizenship and active policy; objective for which the European Commission has invested all countries by the EU Youth Strategy 2019-2027 and by the campaign Communication 2018 on Engaging, Connecting and Empowering young people.
Promote active citizenship with the common objective of the improvement and communication of sustainable and green local policies in the framework of the European Green Deal.
Sustain emerging technology, becoming prevalent in students’ lives, as essential and strategic tools in promoting and in consolidating social and active citizenship.
Use as a lever the GD themes that young citizens consider important in promoting the studying of STEAM issues by expressive languages that are natural and appropriate to them.
During the project implementation, students will deepen STEAM themes to exercise an active citizenship by suggesting innovative green solutions and designing communication strategies for local communities. Through the intergenerational dialogue (WP2), the lifelong non-formal learning (WP3) and the digital communication (WP4) students will build their proposal of sustainable growth, social cohesion to strengthen European identity and active citizenship.
Civic action and creativity by non-formal learning as well as intergenerational and European active citizenship.
Digital and expressive communication pathway.
Promoted by students, will be the way to share new awareness on sustainable growth, EGD and environmental challenges
A living community.
Where young citizens, policymakers and researchers share experiences and visions for a green inclusive transformation