“FuCIn: Future Citizens Involved Through European” developed within the scope of Erasmus+ KA220, with the Italian National Research Council as the applicant, Beykoz Municipality and Beykoz Science High School as the main beneficiaries, Marmara Municipalities Union, K12 Foundation and Bilimce Association as stakeholders. The “Green Deal Challenge – A Great Fabric Of Our Citizenship” project started with the name “Future Citizens Join the European Green Deal”.
Within the scope of the project, young people from Beykoz came together in an environment where they would contribute their ideas and projects to sustainable environmental services in the district in line with the “European Green Deal” and at the same time develop citizenship and environmental awareness. The “Citizens of the Future Participate in the European Green Deal” Project aims to encourage young people to take an active role and offer solutions to environmental problems and to instill citizenship awareness in them.
The project supports goals such as transition to a clean, circular economy, efficient use of resources, restoration of biodiversity and reduction of pollution within the framework of the “European Green Deal” accepted by Turkey.
Beykoz Science High School students participated in the project and made field visits to Beykoz Municipality in order to contribute to a clean and livable world. In the future stages of the project, students will closely examine the environmental projects of Beykoz Municipality and observe on-site works such as “From Table to Soil, From Soil to Table: Juniper Table”, “Green School” and “Zero Waste Taxi”. This process aims to provide students with a deeper understanding of environmental issues through real-life applications.